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A November to Remember!!!

Thanksgiving Traditions

By Rachel Long

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. In order for you to be prepared for this extraordinary holiday with friends and family, here are a few Thanksgiving traditions:

  • Splitting the wishbone: After you finish eating the turkey, grab the wishbone. Have two people volunteer to hold each side of the wishbone and think of a wish. Then have each person pull as hard as they can (enough to break the bone). The person who has the larger half of the wishbone has their wish come true.

  • Football: Americans love football so it is no surprise that it’s part of this special day. Many families across America participate in watching and even playing this American sport. It’s a fun way to settle family rivalries.

  • The next tradition is kind of corny. On Thanksgiving, in this tradition, everyone writes down what they are most thankful for. Next, everyone shares what they wrote and puts the pieces of paper in a box to keep and add to year after year.

  • One unexpected tradition is one that is common in the New England area. It’s pie for breakfast. Most people are stuffed from gorging themselves with turkey and stuffing from Thanksgiving dinner and can’t eat as much pie. To eliminate this problem, simply eat the pie for breakfast that day or the next.

  • On Thanksgiving many people watch the New York City Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade features marching bands, floats, songs/performances from Broadway musicals and giant helium balloons.

Thanksgiving is the one day everyone can come together as friends and family and share what they appreciate and show how much each person means to one another. So don’t get too caught up in the turkey and pie and remember the family and friends.  

Courtesy of Google images

Courtesy of Google images

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